Oh, the Places You'll Go......Dr. Seuss had it right. He understood that life brings about all different kinds of opportunities and situations that can take us every which way. I titled this blog, "Oh, the Places You'll Go" because I thought it was fitting for what I am trying to achieve.
The main purpose of this blog is to document my progress as I begin training for a 1/2 Marathon this upcoming September. Five months from now. Five months of complete and utter dedication to running (something I have never been all that great at), yet here I am.
Many people run marathons for different reasons: just because, to raise money for a cause, to support another person running, to lose weight, or for the satisfaction of knowing they completed a race.
I definitely fall under the "lose weight" and "satisfaction" categories. Oh, and I am definitely in it for the sticker :) I always think it is so cool when I see someone with a 13.1 or 26.2 sticker stuck on their car.
So what is the plan you ask? Well, I did some research and it looks like there are a plethora of options on how to train, and this is the one I am going with:
http://www.fitsugar.com/Half-Marathon-Training-Schedule-Beginners-2845222 |
I chose this particular schedule because it is more fitting for someone that has never really ran a race before, and I most definitely fit under that category. And the "CT" days allow for me to do something other than run (which I will most definitely need). On those days I can do a class, or go for a bike ride or use the elliptical, ANYTHING other than running. This schedule is set up for 12 weeks, and even though the race isn't for 20 weeks, I am going to start training on Sunday. My ultimate goal is to be able to run the full 1/2 in under 3 hours. That is about a 13:30 mile. Which I think is a realistic goal.
So here is the plan. Every day I am going to blog how my run was, how far I ran, how long it took, the average speed, how winded I was, and so forth. And every week (on Sunday) I am going to take a picture of myself to see if my body is changing (which I am hoping it does). Also, once a week (on Wednesday) I will log what my current weight is. I chose Wednesday because that is the day that I weigh in at Weight Watchers (www.weightwatchers.com) and that way the weigh in is consistent in time and location.
So here is what it will look like:
Average Speed:
Winded (scale 1-10):
Any Painful Spots:
Wednesday Weigh In:
Goals for This Week:
Additional Notes:
Hopefully at the end of the 20 weeks I will have reached my goal of running the 1/2 marathon in under 3 hours and have reached my goal weight. I am not sure what the weight number is right now, but all I can say is I want to look something like this:
Thanks for checking in and I look forward to sharing this journey with you.
Over and out.
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