Month at a Glance

I know it's Day 2 of October, but I am just reveling at how quickly this year has gone by.  

I hope everyone is just as pumped as I am about exactly what October means: changing leaves, cooler weather, scarves, boots, leggings and of course {pumpkins}! My favorite part of October is, of course, carving pumpkins and all of the other fun festivities that come along with it!

I was excited to see October was going to be a busy month when I sat down and looked at my calendar at home because we have a ton of fun events planned!

In {chronological} order:
  • Apple and Pumpkin Picking
  • Nicole and Nick's Wedding
  • McKenna's (my niece) first birthday party
  • Mom 2 Mom sale for Infantly Cute
  • Crafting Day with my Girls
  • Our 2nd Wedding Anniversary
  • Halloween
Overall, it looks like a super exciting month and I cannot wait to start the festivities this coming weekend! I always look forward to Halloween because it feels like the precursor for all of the excitement that comes with winter.  Plus, I have a ton of fun crafting and organizing things I get to do this month {more on that later}!

Now to just get working on my Halloween costume.  I have a few fun ideas, but I am just not sure which to go with.  The first idea of handmade Wonder Woman costume costume would be simple for me to make, but I am just not sure if the costume would work for me.  I've never worn a tutu before, so that would be an adventure in itself. Plus I would need to get red leggings, anyone know where to get them?

The second option, while easy to make, could prove to be difficult if Justin is not interested in doing a couples costume with me.  I also would need to find all of the proponents of this costume {which could probably be done at my local thrift shop} so I guess we shall see which one we end up going with.  I will for sure let you know at the end of the month! 

Other Exciting News
I'm going to start working out again! I talked with my workout buddy and she is taking the week off to recover from her second {yes second} half marathon this year, but it looks like we will start making a schedule to workout together in the next few weeks.  I'm psyched and ready to start moving again. 

Question of the Day:
What do you look forward to in October? 

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