November: Month @ a Glance

Happy November Friends!

Happy Saturday everybody! I trust you had a Happy Halloween last night! Justin and I decided to stay in a relax for the evening since I have a busy weekend ahead of me.  Can you believe we have officially hit November and the beginning of the Holiday Season? I truly am having a hard time believing it myself.

First things first, the winner of the Purex Crystals Aromatherapy prize is Rhonda Clemens. Congratulations! Please send me an email at so I can get your information to mail you your prize! 

November is going to be a fun and busy month for Justin and I - but I am looking forward to all of the upcoming excitement.

In Chronological Order:
  • Couples dinner with a few of my girlfriends and their spouses
  • Big craft show for Infantly Cute
  • Snow Show in Ann Arbor
  • Celebrating my step-dad's birthday - my grandma is coming to visit!
  • 2nd Annual Friendsgiving
  • Thanksgiving with the family
  • Caroline's Bridal Shower 
  • Christmas Tree Shopping (possibly)
Other happenings in November:

On top of all of those exciting things mentioned before, I also am trying to keep up with my 2014 goals.  I have to admit that I have not stuck with my reading plan for the year; however, I have been reading quite a few books so I guess that makes up for the ones I missed.

I am also hoping to get some craft tutorials up on the blog this month - I have been doing quite a bit of knitting that I would like to share with you all.  Plus, with Thanksgiving coming up, you know I will be working on some fun craft ideas.

Also, I hope everyone enjoyed the October 2014 Photo a Day challenge last month! If you would like to participate in one for November, grab the picture below or come check it out on my Instagram.  It was so fun seeing everyone's pictures last month, so I really hope you all continue to participate for November. 

Question of the Day: What fun things do YOU have planned in November?
I'd love to hear from you all! Either comment on the blog below or come share on Facebook.  

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