January: Month @ a Glance

Happy January Friends! 

I know that it is already January 7th and I apologize for taking my time on getting back to you all, but I have finally settled into the new year and felt it to be just about time I start getting back into the swing of things.

January is always a busy month for us between the New Year and Justin's birthday but I love having it that way because we are still feeling festive from the holidays and I get to celebrate my person.  So what's up this month?

In Chronological Order:
  • Downton Abbey and Pretty Little Liars Premieres with my girls
  • Celebrate Justin's birthday with Friends (I'm so excited for the decorations I picked)
  • Birthday party for an adorable 3 year old 
  • Justin's Birthday 
  • Celebrate Justin's birthday with my Family
  • Nestie Post Holiday Event
  • Celebrate Justin's birthday with his Family
  • Lazy Sunday with my girlfriends 

Other Happenings in January

As you have probably noticed, I have not had a chance to set up my resolutions for 2015.  With the chaos at the end of 2014, I have not given too much thought to what exactly I would like to accomplish this year.  So in January, my goal is to:
  • Set up my 2015 Reading Plan.  I would realllllly like to read 30+ books this year, but this goal is a bit hefty so we will see where I end up landing
  • Make an exercise plan for the year - it is about time I get my butt in gear
  • Post a Winter Crafting Tutorial 
  • Begin the #jackabeedaily2015 Challenge
As the next few weeks go on, I will be sure to share some of my ideas with you all.  It should be noted that there is no #photoadayRWJ photo challenge this month.  I have already begun working on the February 2015 challenge for everyone and I hope you will all participate.  I really love seeing all of the pictures that everyone shares!

Question of the Day:
What does your January look like?


  1. When is Justin's birthday? Mine is January 13th :) December/January are always busy!

  2. January & February is our birthday season, too! Between friends and family, we have 11 birthdays, 4 in our household alone! Mine is next week, on the 16th! I'm planning on getting organized this month....I will have to follow you on GoodReads!

  3. January is one of my hardest months because I can't stand the cold. Instead of thinking that way, I just dive into a good book or craft. I need to lose a few holiday pounds. ;)

  4. I can't believe we are in the New Year! How crazy is that? Ha! Happy New Year to you. I hope your year is great.

  5. Exercise plan for a full year? Wow! I might just do that too. Hopefully, I can follow through.

  6. January is filling up fast, with hubby and fil bdays, Sea Life grand opening, Castaway Bay, and more. I'd rather hibernate.


Glad you stopped by! Please share your thoughts with me and I will do my best to respond ASAP!a