Weekend Highs & Lows #34

Hello everyone!I hope you had a wonderful weekend filled with fun and exciting adventures  If you want more information about the party, please check out this post.

Happy Monday friends! I am so sorry I disappeared for a week.  I had so many things I had to get done last week that the time just got away from me! I'm hopping back onto the train this week. 



This weekend was fun! On Friday night we ended up having a night at home because Justin had a pretty bad migraine.  I ended up sitting and catching on my T.V. which was great!

Saturday we went to the apartment to get more stuff out of the apartment so we can finally get completely moved out.  Saturday evening I went to my cousin's gender reveal party.  It was so much fun to see them find out what they were having - it's a boy!

I am so excited for them and cannot wait to meet their little one in November! Congratulations you two!

Sunday morning we went Strawberry Picking for the 5th year in a row with Justin's family.  I love this tradition so much! It was so nice out with warm weather and a nice breeze.  We spent a few hours picking out some strawberries for ourselves.  The berries were so ripe they were great to just eat at the strawberry patch.  

Janelle, Jimi and I grabbed some cherries while the kids were looking at the farm animals.  It is so fun to see the kids with the animals and see them so excited about all of the things happening at the barn.  I grabbed this picture while we were waiting for a ride back to the barn.  J.P. is just so sweet to his sister.  

I cannot wait to make some delicious recipes with the fresh strawberries we picked! 


My hip has been killing me and it made Sunday a bit difficult to get through.  Thankfully I will have the time to get to the chiropractor today.

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