What's Up Wednesday #11

Happy Wednesday Friends! Today I am linking up with Mix and Match FamilySheaffer Told Me To and The Larson Lingo for the What's Up Wednesday Post.  What's Up Wednesday occurs on the last Wednesday of every month and it is a fun list of questions getting ready for the upcoming month!

What We're Eating this Week
Last night for dinner, Justin and I had baked chicken nuggets, baked potatoes and rolls.  It was so easy to make and so delicious.  I think next time I make them, I will trade out the egg for a healthier alternative since eggs tend to make it a bit on the fatty side.  For the baked potatoes, we just threw them in the microwave for about 10 minutes and they were ready to go! What a great meal that did not take too long to make!

What I'm Reminiscing About
We have had so many fun times at our apartment, it's kind of hard to believe we are moving.  But I am also super excited that we have finally bought a house and are starting our journey to home ownership! We will be getting sprinklers and sod sometime in July and then I think our house will finally feel like a house.  

What I'm Loving

I just started the #TIUBikiniSeries Workout Round 2 and a diet bet and it has been so awesome! I love how challenging the workouts are and I love the amount of support I have been getting from all of the ladies also participating in the challenge.  

What We've Been Up To
Honestly, we have just been unpacking and moving for the past 30 days and the last month has seemed to drag on forever.  And we are still not done with the move yet.  Thankfully, tonight should be my last ever time heading to the apartment to clean/get stuff out.  It was a good home to us for 3.5 years, but I am ready for the next journey!

What I'm Dreading
Not too much actually! Life is feeling pretty good right now.

What I'm Working On
Some of my girlfriends have asked me to knit them these super adorable ponchos so I have been working on those ponchos! I cannot wait to see how the first one turns out! The pattern itself is simple enough, but I also feel like I am getting challenged a little bit as some of the stitches are a little more complicated that I was originally expecting.  I also will be knitting a baby blanket for my cousin since her baby shower is next month!

What I'm Looking Forward To
I'm looking forward to my trip to Traverse City with Kim next month! It is going to be so fun to just get away for a long weekend with some girls and do things like wine tours, Sleeping Bear Dunes and bon fires.  I cannot wait!

What I'm Watching/Reading

Back in May, I went on the SMASH Retreat and one of the things they suggested to keep the girls connected was to read the book For the Love by Jen Hatmaker.  We are having our first get together next week, so I will be spending some time this weekend reading my chapters and getting ready for our get together.

I am also in the process of listening to the last 5th Wave Book: The Last Star.  The book was released on May 24th and the plan was to buy the book, but my commute is so much longer now and Justin wanted to read the book too, so we downloaded it and have been listening to it together. 

What I'm Listening To
Lots and lots of Audible right now!

What I'm Wearing
I have been SO addicted to LuLaRoe lately! My best friend started selling it and I cannot get enough.  Right now I am loving their Nicole dress and the Leggings and I find myself shopping for them all the time.  I think the leggings I am most excited about is my Captain America leggings that I am planning to wear for the Infinity Gauntlet challenge in November! 

What I'm Doing this Weekend
With it being the holiday weekend, we are planning to just enjoy the long weekend.  Since we have not had a chance to really unpack the house, we will be spending time getting things put together, cleaned, organized and just generally put together.  I am also hoping that we can make our way to Ikea/Target at some point to get some organization stuff for my future craft room!

Take a look at some of my inspiration ideas on Pinterest!

Bonus: What is your favorite 4th of July tradition/recipe?
My favorite tradition around 4th of July is going Up North with my family, but it looks like we will be just hanging out around here this year for the second year in a row.  That's okay though! Maybe we will have a pool party at my in-laws or something.  

Previous What's Up Wednesday Posts:
I'd love to hear from you!

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1 comment

  1. I need to get on board with the rest of the blogging world and read "For the Love". I love your leggings! So cute :)


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