Weekend Highs & Lows #37

Hello everyone!I hope you had a wonderful weekend filled with fun and exciting adventures  If you want more information about the party, please check out this post.

Happy Monday friends! I am so sorry I disappeared for a week.  I had so many things I had to get done last week that the time just got away from me! I'm hopping back onto the train this week. 



This weekend was actually on the low key side, so we did not have a lot going on.  On Friday night, we went out hunting for Pokemon with our friend, Nick.  We actually tried a new location and were able to add some pretty cool Pokemon to our collection.  I also took over my first gym! I didn't hold it more than 12 hours, but it was still fun.

Saturday we slept in, then in the afternoon I headed out to a CycleBar event! They are opening two new locations in the Metro Detroit Area so I met up with some blogger friends to give it a try! I loved the class and fully intent to head back there shortly! More on CycleBar to come later this week.  Saturday evening Nick and Kevin came over and we had a chill evening at the house.

Sunday Justin and I hung out at home before heading out to the mall for a few hours.  I met up with a few of my cousins to shop and catch some Pokemon.  After the mall we ran to Target to grab a few things before heading home for the evening.  My friend Vicki came over for a few hours to see the house and just catch up.


My asthma was SO bad this weekend.  I think it is from the big heat wave we've been having.

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