October: Month @ a Glance

Happy October 1st everyone! I am so excited the October is finally here.  It is so hard to believe that we are hitting the last three months of the year and are quickly approaching the "holiday season".  I love this time of year because it is filled with fun and exciting events and plenty of time with friends and family.  I'm also excited because this year I have a plan to end the year strong versus waiting until the New Year.  If you haven't had a chance to check it out, check out my #Last90Days Update that I posted yesterday!

October is always a fun and exciting month for us because we have our anniversary and my niece's birthday.  Not to mention all of the fun we have with Halloween and passing out candy.  

So here's what's on our agenda this month! 

On the Agenda this Month:

1. Ladies retreat with my mom
2. Dinner date with my friend
3. My niece's 6th birthday
4. Halloween Party at our house
5. Football and Cheer for my niece and nephew
6. Our 7th anniversary

Goals for October

1. Read Two Books:  This goal is perpetually on my list, but I am excited to start tackling it.  Reading is part of my daily goals for the #Last90Days challenge.  Ideally, I'd like to get more than 2 books done, but I also have other things I need to get done every day, so we will see.

2. Exercise daily: Another focus of the #Last90Days challenge is to do 30 minutes of exercise daily.  So the plan is to get 30 minutes of exercise every day either by using the #tiu31 daily moves combined with another workout.  I'm leaning toward doing stretching or yoga because my back has been bothering me lately and I think it would help with the pain.  

Normally I do three goals for the month, but I think I'm going to just focus on two this month.  These seem like good areas for me to focus on this month.  

Question of the Day: What costume are you wearing for Halloween this year?

Share your responses below in the comments! 

I'd love to hear from you!

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