tuesday things {11.28.23}


Happy Tuesday friends! I hope you are enjoying a great start to your week and have many fun things to look forward to for the rest of the week.  Today I am doing another round of 5 Things Friday where I share 5 things from the past week.  If you want to see past Tuesday Things, click here

1. Our Thanksgiving weekend was interesting to say the least.  My father-in-law was hospitalized for a few days, but I am happy to report he is doing okay and will make a full recovery.  Just a lot of stress and sleepless nights while we worked through everything.

2. We went to my parent's house to celebrate Thanksgiving this year and it was very nice.  My aunt joined us this year and it ended up being a nice and quiet afternoon.  

3. I've been working on slowly decorating our house for Christmas.  My goal is to finish it by Friday so we will officially be decorated by the first of December.  I've been working to go through my decor as I switch out for seasons because I really do not have a good account of the things I have for each holiday.  I'm hoping by doing this I can pare down what I have and get more organized.

4. We got a smaller than normal tree this year and I'm happy.  We usually go overkill and get a large tree that barely fits in our living room, but this year we decided to go with a little smaller tree and I love it.  There is something so special coming down in the morning and seeing a beautifully lit tree.

5. I started sewing a gift for my niece and I am thrilled with how it is turning out.  It's a little kitty doll that I can make outfits for and I'm hoping she will really love it.  My girlfriends have little girls too so I'm hoping to make them dolls as well. Right now they're all sewed, but need to be stuffed and finalized before I can finish them.  Then they all will need clothes and considering I have 2 weeks to get it done before our friend party, I'm not sure if I'll get them done in time. 

Well that's everything for this Tuesday! I hope you have a great rest of your week. 

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