Anywhere but Here....

Hey All... So this week really has not been my week.  As I mentioned on Tuesday, the new shoes were causing me a great deal of pain and while I was able to take Wednesday off to heal, I wasn't able to go for a run yesterday.  Turns out that sometime this week I caught a cold from someone (I am guessing my husband) and I figured it would taper off after a couple of days, but it is only getting worse.  

On top of feeling crappy for most of the week, I was also up a pound in Weight Watchers.  Which in a sense is not  huge deal because of how busy I was last weekend, but it's still very frustrating.  The only good thing that came out of the pound gain is the fact that I finally broke the threshold I have been stuck in for 7 weeks.  Since March I have been stuck between 170-171 pounds.  One week I'd lose .2, the next I'd gain .6, the next I'd lose .4, etc.  It was really getting old and I was about ready to drop out of Weight Watchers because it was becoming a waste of my time.  I know, I know, Negative Nancy right?

Well when I weighed in on Wednesday I was up 1 pound which put me at 171.2! And honestly I could not have been happier.  I swear my brain was just keeping me between 170-171 to mess with me.  But now that I have broken that barrier (even by going up) I honestly think my brain will reset and I can get back on track.

A few weeks ago I set a mini goal for myself and right now I am no where near reaching that goal.  In about 10 weeks I will be standing up in a wedding and my goal was to be down 15 pounds before her wedding.  Since I set that goal I haven't lost any weight.  I know that it's only been a few weeks, so I am going to give myself a break but I really need to start seeing a loss here pretty soon.

A while back I was chatting with my girl friend about where she buys here jeans (because her jeans ALWAYS fit her perfectly) and she recommended that I check out Buckle.  However, she did forewarn me that they are a bit expensive.  So Wednesday I decided to check them out and I found a pair of jeans that I REALLY like.  Here's a picture:

These jeans fit me to the t and I am in love, but I am not in love with the price tag.  Luckily for me, they do layaway so Thursday I went in and put $25 down on the jeans.  I think this will give me a little more incentive to work my rear end off to lose weight.  I will not be allowed to wear these jeans until I lose 5 pounds.  Seems simple enough to me!

On a different note, I wanted to share my water bottle with everyone.  This is what my water bottle looks like:

I absolutely LOVE this water bottle.  It's a self-filtering water bottle and it tastes absolutely wonderful.  The way it works is this: you fill the water bottle and you drink it.  The water is filtered on its way out of the mouth piece and it is super easy to clean as well.  I also love that it helped me significantly reduce my amount of waste.  On an average day I could easily go through two or three water bottles and by using this water bottle I only go through one filter every three months and the filters are recyclable.  Totally worth every penny.

Well I am off to get a mani/pedi with my mom for her birthday.  I will hopefully be able to post about a run tomorrow! Either way, I will be posting with an update.

Thanks for checking in and I hope everyone has a WONDERFUL weekend.

Over and Out.

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