Just Dropping In

Hey all! Just doing a quick post tonight because it's already almost 10 and I am SUPER tired!

Yesterday's weigh in at Weight Watchers was less than satisfactory.  I ended up gaining 2.2 pounds which is pretty upsetting to me because I have been working so hard at running and trying to eat healthier (though I have to say I wasn't all that good this past wekend.  I was pretty upset that I went up in pounds and I have to say I was about ready to just quit.  

I decided to just get some sleep to reset everything and I have to say today was definitely a new day and I feel so much better.  I decided last night that it would be good for me to start keeping a thankful journal for all of the things that I am thankful for.  In the Drop Dead Healthy book , A.J. Jacobs talks about how studies have been done on keeping a thankful journal.  I figured I would give it a try and see how much it changes my attitude and if it will help me not take for granted the things that I have.

Today while I was running I ran into some of my dear friends at the gym and got distracted (I have to say it was a good distraction) and ended up not keeping track of my time or anything, so I can say that I did at least 2.5 miles but I can't tell you the calories or anything.  I can honestly say that I am okay with the fact that I didn't finish my run.  Sometimes spending time talking to people is more beneficial to your health then the actual exercise.

Well, I've got a busy day ahead of me tomorrow, so I am off for the night!  Thanks for checking in and I hope everyone has a wonderful Friday!

Over and Out.

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