North American International Auto Show

Who loves cars? This girl! Thursday night Justin, his dad and myself headed out to the North American International Auto Show for an evening checking out some pretty awesome cars.   

Thursday morning, however, was not quite as enjoyable as Thursday night.  Wednesday evening when Justin and I arrived home, we discovered that Frye's right eye had a major reaction and was swollen shut.  This is not the first time that his eyes have had issues, but the way his eye swelled got me rather concerned.  Luckily, the wonderful vet was able to get us in first thing the next morning.

Dr. Cunningham took a quick look at Frye's eye and discovered that he had developed blisters as a result of an old infection.  Apparently, like humans, kittens have a low immune system when they are little and cannot always fight off infection.  So when we took Frye in the last few times and we were giving him eye drops, the medicine was fixing the symptoms, but not the infection.  The solution? To scrape the blisters off his eyes.  :(

I felt absolutely terrible having to do this to him, but we knew that in the long run it would be better for him.  I am glad to report that he is doing much better and is back to his normal, curious self.  The best part? He is super cuddly.  I love having a kitten purring in my face.  

Question of the Day:
What is your favorite thing about your pet?

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