Hello and happy Friday friends! I hope you had a wonderful week and are looking forward to a fun weekend ahead. I'm heading to a cat cafe on Sunday with my friend and I'm excited. I haven't visited this one before so it should be a lot of fun.
For today's post, I thought I would pick up another round of month in review. The idea is to share a few things from the previous month based on certain criteria.
What's New
Last month we started working on converting our guest bedroom into a library/hangout space. We haven't used the space as a guest bedroom in over a year so we figured it was about time we used the room for something other than a dumping ground. At this point, we only have the shelves put up in the room, but we're making slow progress and I'm really hoping we have this done by my birthday in May.
Monthly Goals Update
My goals in February were to start a workout routine and take my vitamins every day. I am able to report that I did not do either of these in February. My month was super busy and I had the flu in the middle of the month which makes it hard to workout when I was basically sleeping 16 hours a day for several days.
I'm intending to do better this month with everything so hopefully I do not get sick again.
Top Performing Posts for February
For some reason, the posts jump around over several years, but here are the most read posts in February:
1. Tuesday Things {10.01.24}
2. Tuesday Things {01.04.22}
3. I Learned How to Crochet

What I Watched
We are still on the Will Trent kick and have been watching that. We also started watching the newest season of Sweet Magnolias on Netflix. Have you watched that show before? We really love it.
Have any shows you like that you think I should watch? Comment below!
What I Read
I read a total of seven books in February which was crazy! My book review went up a few days ago, so be sure to check it out by clicking on the image below.
Last Month's Spotify Playlist
Last month I really just listened to today's top hits. I feel like I'm always the last to hear new songs so I was trying to keep up on the them. There are a lot of great songs out there right now and others that I could take or leave, but in case you want to check it out here's the playlist on Spotify:

Have a wonderful day,
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