Happy Saturday Everyone!
Today I spent the day relaxing and hanging out with my best friend, Danielle. We started out the day by heading up to the YMCA and doing a workout. The original plan was to go try a Total Body Workout class, but since Danielle's car was frozen shut, we missed the class by ten minutes! Oh well.
After the gym, we ran out to meet a friend so Danielle could pick up her order of Girl Scout Cookies! Did you know that yesterday was National Girl Scout Cookie Day?
I missed my date to order my cookies, but Justin has us covered since he ordered some through a coworker and I will order a few more boxes from my friend, Gina's, daughter.
After picking up the cookies, we ran to the store to get supplies for the recipes planned for the day. Danielle wanted to try a few pins from Pinterest (one of which I already shared with you) and both recipes were cake oriented. In total, we ended up making three different cake recipes: Watermelon Cake Pops, Funfetti Cake and Healthy Chocolate Dr. Oz Cake.
I was very excited we made the Funfetti cake, because I wanted to see if it could turn out better this time than the last time and it did! The sprinkles did not bleed into the cake. The only thing I wish is that there was no brown sprinkles in the mix, they are not so pretty.
I have to admit that I am rather messy when I am baking. I ended up getting a rather large amount of powdered sugar on the front of me when I was cleaning up the kitchen and Danielle and I got a pretty good laugh out of it.
After Danielle left, I made Justin and I another batch of Shepherd's Pie because it sounded so delicious for dinner. I made sure to grab pictures this time, so I can share the recipe with you all.
The plan for the rest of the evening is to just relax and spend some time cuddling with my cutie, Frye. Have a wonderful evening!
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