October : Month @ a Glance

Happy October Friends

Happy Wednesday and Hump Day everyone! I hope your week has been going swimmingly so far and things have not been too stressful.  It's been a bit crazy coming back to work after being off for a week, but I am glad to get back into the swing of things.

October is possibly my favorite month {besides December obviously} because of the weather, the smells and the exciting things that happen throughout the month! Now that we have officially hit fall, things are going to be busy {and super fun} for Justin and myself.

In Chronological Order:
  • Birthday Party 
  • 2nd Annual Apple Picking with my Friends 
  • My Niece's Birthday
  • Up North with Danielle
  • JP's soccer game
  • Sewing and Baking Classes at Joanne Fabrics
  • Niagara Falls Trip
  • Our 3rd Anniversary
  • Halloween

Other happenings in October! 

On top of all of those exciting things we have going on, I'm also going to try and tackle a few of my 2014 goals too!
  • 30 Day Booty Challenge
  • Read Sarah's Key by Tatiana de Rosnay
  • Read some three new books and post reviews - I've been working on a collaborationwith some authors!
  • To do #jackabeedaily2014 every day
Be looking for a few crafting posts coming up! I'm getting ready to decorate for Halloween around our apartment and I found some exciting tutorials on Pinterest.

Also, I'm starting my very own October 2014 Photo a Day Challenge! If you'd like to participate, come check out my Instagram and share your fun pictures with your friends! 

Question of the Day: What exciting things do YOU have planned in October? 

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