It's Friday!

Happy Friday Friends! I hope you have had a wonderful week and have something exciting planned for the weekend!

Congratulations to Lyza J. on winning the Eat Well Sweat Often book! You have been emailed for your information to mail your prize.  

This weekend I will be working with my mother-in-law and sister-in-law at the biggest show Infantly Cute has ever attended! I love craft shows and working with them, so it will be a fun day all around.  If you are a Michigander and are looking for something fun to do tomorrow come check out the show! It is bound to be a fun day - I guarantee it.   

On Sunday during the day, we will be heading to the Snow Show for my third year in a row.  This year I am hoping we can get me a pair of boots and snow pants, but it will all depend on what is available.  I think Justin is looking to get a few items for himself.

Sunday evening I will be heading to a blogger event - my first ever event! I am a bit nervous but more excited to go check things out and enjoy some delicious cookies with fellow bloggers.

The last thing I wanted to share with you all is this video! If you have not seen it before, make sure to take four minutes to watch it.  Someone discovered that this old 1989 Aerobics Championship video matched almost too perfectly to Taylor Swift's "Shake it Off" song and the result is just too good.

Question of the Day: What fun things do you have planned this weekend?


  1. Yay, I will see you Sunday at the blogger event! I'm looking forward to some delicious cookies :) are you baking any?

    And what is the Snow Show? Sounds interesting.

    1. Hey! I am not baking any cookies. I just do not have time to bake them this weekend and I would not want to bring 3 day old cookies to the event.

      This is the Snow Show:

      It is the largest Snowmobile Show but they have more than just snowmobiles :)

  2. Blog stuff and going to play D&D with my fiancé and our friends... Yes we're that big of nerds


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