May Book Review

Happy Tuesday Friends! I hope your week got off to a great start and you have exciting things planned for this week.  

For 2016, I have decided that it is important for me to take the time to read books... I know, I know, I say this every year, but this year I promise will be different! 

The goal is to each month, read a random assortment of books and share a few thoughts about the book (but not too much as I don't want to spoil the fun for anyone).  I love reading and I love sharing books with you guys.

Plus, this is a great opportunity for you all to share some of your awesome reads with me! 

If you want to follow/friend me on Goodreads, click here.

And you can keep track all year long by clicking 2016 Books at the top of my blog.  I will keep a running list of books right there for you.

Okay, time for the books I've read // currently reading in May!

The first book I finished in May is The Elite.  It took me a bit longer to read this book than I would like to admit but it was not because I did not like the book, it was because I was so busy that I had to carve time out of my busy schedule.  It is amazing how crazy this month as been.  The Elite is much more intense than The Selection as it has been narrowed down to six girls and each relationship is developing deeper and stronger with Prince Maxon.  I felt myself drawn to more than one of the girls in the book and really was not sure how I was hoping for The Selection to turn out.

The second book I read this month is The One.  This is the third book in The Selection series and it is so good.  I honestly started it on a Sunday and had it finished by Monday afternoon.  The book touches on Prince Maxon and America as they are both trying to figure out exactly what their relationship means.  I will just say, I was not expecting the book to end the way it did and I cannot wait to read the next book. 

Well that is all for my books for May! 

To check out the other books I have read this year, check out my 2016 Books tab at the top of my page or check out my reading list on Goodreads! If you have a Goodreads account, make sure to add me because I am always on the hunt for a good book recommendation.

Question of the Day: What good books are you currently reading? 

I'd love to hear from you!

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