June: Month @ a Glance

Happy May Friends!

I hope your week is off to a great start! If you are in the United States, I hope you had a wonderful extended weekend and enjoyed some beautiful weather.  Our weekend was fun and busy and of course I  managed to get myself burned.  

I cannot believe we are in June already! I hope everyone has some exciting things planned this month!

Things Happening This Month
  1. Closing on the House!
  2. Hope Water Project 5k
  3. Moving into the House
  4. Visit with Justin's grandparents 
  5. Lazy Sunday with the Girls
  6. Birthday Facial from Mom
  7. Celebrate Father's Day
  8. Courtney and Ronnie's Gender Reveal Party
  9. Celebrate Marcy's Birthday
  10. Go meet my friend's baby :)

Goals This Month

1. Read {at least} one book.  I have been making my way through The Selection Series, so the goal is to finish the series by finishing The Heir and The Crown.  I am also hoping to get through What Alice Forgot

    2. Daily Scripture Writing. I am bound and determined to do better this month.  I made sure to get myself an Erin Condren notebook and have set aside a place in my house for me to do daily scripture writing.  I am bound and determined to get this done this month!

    3. Instagram Challenges.  Lately I have been seeing all of these awesome #photochallenges on Instagram and I thought it could be good to challenge myself with a few new challenges.

    4. Fitness Challenges.  With having two half marathons to run at the end of this year (Oct // Nov), I really need to start pushing myself to start working out regularly.  I have been thinking about joining a DietBet.  Has anyone out there done one? If so let me know! Maybe we can join one together!

    Otherwise, I am going to try and do this arm challenge since I would like my arms to look a little nicer than they do now.

    Recap from May

    1. Read {at least} One Book.  For May I managed to finish The One from Kiera Cass.  I originally had three books on my list, but only finished one with the chaos of getting ready to move.  But I am still on track to read 12 books this year!


    2. Daily Scripture Writing.  I failed miserably here.  I mean, I did not even get one day done.  Thankfully, I bought a new notebook for this and have even set aside a space for myself to get this done every day.

    3. Plan a Date with Justin.  Justin and I did go on a date in May - we saw Captain America: Civil War and we went to Olive Garden.  With moving into the house in June, I am hoping we will have time for a date, but I am not holding my breath.

    Question of the Day: What fun things do you have planned in June?

    I'd love to hear from you!

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