Currently: June 2016

Happy Thursday Friends! I hope your week has been going well so far and you are looking forward to some fun plans this weekend! Today I am doing another fun round of "currently".  I came across this idea on Becca Dorr's Blog - you should check her out!

ANTICIPATING Strawberry picking for Marcy's birthday! I love going strawberry picking with his family every year for her birthday and I am excited to go in a few weeks! Now that we have a little more space in our fridge and kitchen I am excited to be able to freeze them all and make some delicious protein smoothies!

CLEANING The wood floors.  With all of the chaos of moving, our wood floors are covered in dust and dirt.  Thankfully my mom let me borrow her Norwex Mop and it has been saving me so much hassle lately.  I am going to mop the floors again tonight since we will not be having any high amounts of traffic anytime soon.

DREADING Deep cleaning the apartment.  We have until the end of the month to get moved out of the apartment and part of the moving process is deep cleaning everything.  Last night I went to the apartment to clean out one of the rooms and it wasn't too bad, but I imagine it will not always be this simple.  Ha!

DRINKING Water.  I am so excited because we got a fridge with through the door ice and water and I have been loving it so much.  We have never had this option before and it is so awesome to have to not worry about buying water bottles anymore.

FEELING Exhausted.  I knew that moving is crazy and tiring, but I did not realize the full extent of the exhaustion I would feel.  I am also excited because we are going to an Escape Room tonight with a bunch of friends! It will be so fun :)

LISTENING Books.  I have been trying to listen to books as well as read a few books to keep me going.  Life has been taking over my free time and I am behind on everything (including TV boo).  Justin downloaded a few books for me to listen to which is awesome!

PLAYING Super Smash Bros. and Mario Kart.  I also downloaded Angry Birds because we saw the new Angry Birds movie last week and it spurred my urge to download the game again.  I forgot how much fun the game is!

READING For June I am hoping to read a few books.  But as of right now, I am planning to read The Heir from Kiera Cass as well as What Alice Forgot


RECOVERING Old memories.  I have been going through all of our boxes and have been finding so many fun memories.  I love seeing the old pictures and fun items we have collected over the years.  It makes me happy to relive a few of them and find a place for them in our new home.

TRYING to keep things clean.  With all of the different contracts coming in and out of the house, we have consistently had boot tracks in our kitchen and dining room.  I did not realize how quickly the dust would accumulate and it's a bit frustrating.  However, once we finish getting things installed, we will be in much better shape.

WAITING My cousin's gender reveal party is in a few weeks and I am so excited! I cannot wait to see what she is having so I can go to town making her a blanket for the baby.

WEARING Crop pants! The last week has been somewhere between warm and hot, so cropped pants have been the perfect attire to wear for work and other fun social events.  I am actually hoping to get another pair in solid black so I don't just have bright colors and patterns.

Question of the Day: What do you have going on "currently"?

I'd love to hear from you!

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