Stranded with.... Netflix Edition

Happy Wednesday Friends! I hope all is well and you are having a great day so far! Today I am teaming up with Shay and Erika for a fun new series called "Stranded With" where you discuss three things you would take if you were stranded on deserted island.

For today's series, we are focusing on....

Netflix Series

Netflix has been a huge part of my life lately with the chaos of buying our house and taking hours and hours packing (which we did move - there will be an update soon!) so I know what shows I would watch over and over if given the opportunity.  I would have to say that Netflix is one of my guilty pleasures and given the opportunity I would sit all day and watch Netflix and snuggle in bed.  

All of that being said, here are the three Netflix series I would take with me if I was to be stranded on an island.


I am currently in the process of re-watching every episode of Gilmore Girls.  With the revival coming out sometime in the near future, it only seemed appropriate to take the time to watch it again.  Gilmore girls came out when I was in middle school/ high school so I have forgotten a lot about the show, so it is great to watch it all over again.  Plus, it seems to be more relate-able to me at this point in my life.  


When I heard about Pretty Little Liars, I knew I was going to love this show.  The show is not currently finished, so I could not bring the entire series with me, but eventually they will all be on Netflix and I would happily watch them over and over.  I love this show because it is a little crazy and a little scary at times which keeps me at the edge of my seat.


I love Family Guy so much.  It always makes me laugh when I am having a bad day and I am guessing if I was stranded I would need a few good laughs here and there.  So of course I picked Family Guy as one of my series.  The show is a bit crass, so if you do not like that kind of stuff, I would not suggest watching it.  


So these are the Netflix Series I would take with me if I had the opportunity! What three shows would you take with you if you had the opportunity?

To read what other people are saying, check out the link up on Mix and Match Mama's blog today!

Up Next on Stranded With....

Famous People!

Question of the Day: What book are you reading right now?

I'd love to hear from you!

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