Happy Friday Friends!
It's FRIDAY, and I've decided to join a new linky party! Every week I will be sharing a few of my favorite things from the past week. The goal is to share random things, but I may end up doing some themed ones along the way.
For this series, I am going to post my favorite inspirational photos once a month! I have been needing inspiration lately and wanted to share with you all on a regular basis.
Today we are closing on our house! I cannot believe we are already here - it feels like we should still have another month before we would need to be doing anything for closing. But, today at 9:00 we will go and sign on the dotted line!
Did you know that today is National Donut Day? Justin and I are going to stop and pick up some donuts on our way to the closing to have everyone start their day with a happy donut. I also need a donut for one of my June Instagram challenges. I would really like to stop and get Krispy Kreme, but I am not sure how that will work out, so we will see.
I don't know if any of you are avid Imgur users like myself, but when I saw this, I laughed out loud. It comes from this funny "what would your wolf name be?" type thing and ever since then I have been laughing so hard. If you want to check out the origin of moon moon, go to Imgur.
I have been pinning all kinds of house stuff like crazy and came across this pin. I am thinking that it might be a good thing to put in the door to our garage. What do you think?
Sorry about the weird alignment, I am not sure how to get it to straighten out.
Here is another little funny image for all of you getting ready for summer then college in the fall:
Question of the Day: What is your favorite thing of this week?
I'd love to hear from you!
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