Weekend Highs & Lows #36

Hello everyone!I hope you had a wonderful weekend filled with fun and exciting adventures  If you want more information about the party, please check out this post.

Happy Monday friends! I am so sorry I disappeared for a week.  I had so many things I had to get done last week that the time just got away from me! I'm hopping back onto the train this week. 



This weekend was definitely more on the chill side.  I loved being able to just relax and spend time around the house.  Saturday morning we got up early to have the sprinkler guys come and work on the system because it was installed improperly.  In the afternoon, Justin and I took Leilah to the vet to get her shots updated.  She didn't seem too thrilled about being there, but she handled the visit like a champ.

Saturday afternoon was spent at my mom's house working on a knitting project for my cousin's baby.  I cannot wait to give it to her once it's done!

Saturday evening, Nick came over and we went around catching Pokemon until 1:30am! It was so fun seeing all of the people out and about catching Pokemon and the weather was SO nice! It honestly would have been perfect for a bonfire and s'mores!

Sunday morning we slept in before having pancakes and catching up some on our DVR before I went to a family reunion for my mom's side of the family.  We spent the afternoon playing volleyball, hanging out and just generally enjoying each other's company.  It was super nice!

Sunday evening Justin and I went to get some paint samples before going to Art Van to shop for some stuff for our house.  After shopping, we went to dinner at Outback! Yay for an unplanned date night.


My mom fainted on Saturday while she was out and about.  She is okay now, but it was a little scary.

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