August: Month @ a Glance

Happy August Friends!

Can you believe that summer is officially half over? It is so hard to believe how quickly this year is going by and before we know it Christmas will be upon us (145 days to be exact!).  August is going to be a fun and crazy month for us because we are having a housewarming party - which means we have to work hard to get the house somewhat organized! 

Things Happening This Month
  1. Get together with my cousin at the dog park
  2. CycleBar with my cousin!
  3. Detroit Tigers Event @ Work
  4. Late Night Showing of The Suicide Squad
  5. Trip to Traverse City
  6. Kenny Chesney Concert with my mom and cousins
  7. CycleBar Event in Novi
  8. Housewarming Party!
  9. Norwex Party 

Goals This Month

1. Read {at least} one book.  Since I am in the middle of What Alice Forgot by Liane Moriarty, the goal is to finish this book.  I also have been building quite a collection of unread books, so I will have to pick one or two other books to try and tackle before the month ends.  Right now I have my eye on Me Before You by Jojo Moyes and Summer Sisters by Judy Blume.  


2. Scripture Writing.  Last month I was very unsuccessful in my scripture writing, so my goal is to catch up on July and then do August scripture writing.  Hopefully August is a bit more successful than July.  

3. Date Night with Justin.  With July being so crazy busy, Justin and I did not get a ton of one-on-one time, so my goal is to plan at least one date night with him.  Hopefully we are able to find some time between all of the chaos of getting ready for the housewarming party.

4. All Boxes Unpacked.  We will have been in the house two months as of August 5th and we still have not unpacked all of the boxes.  I know two months doesn't seem like a long time, but we have a lot that we should have been unpacking! The plan is to finish unpacking all of the boxes and getting things organized a little bitter.  Maybe we won't feel so chaotic then?

Recap from July

1. Read {at least} one book.  In July I finished reading The 5th Wave Series.  If you have not heard of the series, I would recommend checking them out! This month I read The Last Star which is the final book in the series and I have to say it was my favorite of the three.  The book is more raw and more suspenseful than the other books and I really appreciated how the characters developed during this book.  I also felt like I was on the seat of my pants for the entirety of the book, so that's awesome! I also started reading What Alice Forgot by Liane Moriarty and so far I am intrigued.  I will let you know when I finish the book! 

2. Daily Scripture Writing.  Epic. Failure. Did not do a single day of scripture writing.  Need to catch up here!

3. Fitness Challenges.  Okay, so I hit the ground running for the first two weeks of this challenge, then I did a super hard workout and fizzled out.  I did manage to lost 5.2 pounds over the course of my diet bet, which I am very happy about! I believe there is only a few weeks left so I am hoping to hit the ground running this week and try to get back on that bandwagon.

Question of the Day: What fun things do you have planned in August?

I'd love to hear from you!

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