Weekend Highs & Lows #38

Hello everyone!I hope you had a wonderful weekend filled with fun and exciting adventures  If you want more information about the party, please check out this post.

Happy Tuesday Friends! I know we normally do this on Mondays, but with the first of the month was  yesterday, I decided to push this post to today! I hope your week has started out with a bang! My week is going to be fun because Thursday I will be going to a work meeting then a Detroit Tiger's game and Friday I am leaving for a girls weekend getaway to Traverse City with one of my best friends.  I cannot wait! 



On Friday night, Justin and I went on a double date with Christina and Ryan.  We went to the Palazzo di Bocce for dinner and Bocce Ball and it was so much fun! I always love going to the Palazzo di Bocce because that is where we had our Rehearsal Dinner.  So many good memories there.

Saturday morning I went to brunch with one my oldest and best friends.  I love seeing her because we are both so crazy busy with work and everything else that we do not get to spend time together nearly enough.

Saturday evening, Justin and I went to a Spy Party/Going Away party for Kelsey.  This is the second time I've gone to one of their spy parties and they are so fun! Kelsey and Sarah made up this game where we were given clues and had to figure out who committed the crime.  It is always so fun!

On Sunday, Justin and I made our way to the Detroit Zoo for a Pokemon Go gathering! I have not been to the Zoo since my 23rd birthday and boy has it changed! It was so awesome meeting a ton of other Pokemon Players and finally catching a Pikachu! Now to get enough to evolve him {I know I'm a nerd}.


I threw out my back really bad and had quite a bit of discomfort over the weekend, but thankfully I am feeling much better today.


  1. I've heard a lot about Palazzo di Bocce but I haven't been. I'll have to check it out sometime. I have YET to catch a Pikachu .... how do you evolve your Pokemon, just by fighting at a gym? Currently I'm out of Poke balls, lol, so that's my first priority. :)

    1. To evolve your pokemon, you have to have enough candies for that particular pokemon. So like, Weedle you have to have 12 candies to evolve it. That means you have to catch enough weedle to have 12 candies then you can evolve the weedle. Each pokemon has a different amount needed to evolve, so you just have to catch enough of whatever pokemon you want to evolve to get enough candies. Another option to get candies is to transfer them to the professor - the professor will give you one candy per pokemon. So if you carry a ton of low level pokemon, it might be a good idea to tranfer them to the professor.


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