Life Flashing By

Happy Thursday friends! We made it halfway through the week already! I hope that you have fun things planned for this upcoming weekend and finish your week out strong.  

Today I wanted to share another fun writing prompt from The Sits Girls and their monthly writing prompts.

Today's prompt from The Sits Girls is:
If your life flashed before your eyes, which three moments do you think you would see?

This is such an interesting thing to think of because so often we take for granted the things we have in our lives.  So when I sat down to really think about the three most significant moments in my life, these were the first three that came to mind.

The first one is our wedding.

This is probably one of the most commonly thought of moments in a person's life, but for me this represented more than just the two of us.  Justin and I had been together for seven years before we finally tied the knot and when the day finally came for us to be married, my heart was filled with so much joy.  But it goes beyond just us saying "I do", that day was filled with love and happiness from everyone and I have never felt more joy than on my wedding day.  Honestly, if I could repeat that day over and over I would because it is one of my favorite days in my lifetime.

The second thing is my family.

For my entire life, Christmas has always been my favorite time of year because it is a time filled with family and love.  Since about the age of 5, we have been doing a cousin sleepover every year at my grandma's house.  This tradition started as something fun, but as we got older, it became obvious that this tradition was not going to die away.  And since my grandma's passing in 2014, the tradition has not been the same, but it will live on and we will hopefully pass it onto our children some day.

I will always have fond memories around the holidays because of the traditions my family has and I look forward to sharing those traditions with my children some day.    

The third thing is my world travels. 

It is super hard to just pick one of my trips since I've been to a few really awesome places, but when I was thinking about my life, I feel like my travels have been a significant part of my life.  Whenever I travel to a new country, I discover a part of myself that I did not know was there.  And each trip I leave a piece of myself in that country because it was influenced me in some way that I never knew possible.

Question of the Day: What 3 memories would you see if your life flashed before your eyes?
I'd love to hear from you!

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  1. Good question... I would see my experience in Guatemala, my family, and my dogs!

  2. That's a good question. I'm not sure what 3 memories would appear for me - probably travels and family, same as you, but otherwise I'm not sure on the 3rd one. I'll have to think about it!

  3. I love your answers. I'm sure mine would be of my husband, my daughters, and probably my travels. I guess pretty similar.

  4. Mine will surely involved my family. My kids, my wife and my mom/dad brother and sister.


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