Friday Favorites #12

Happy Friday Friends!
It's FRIDAY, and that means I am participating in a fun linky party! Every week I will be sharing a few of my favorite things from the past week.  The goal is to share random things, but I may end up doing some themed ones along the way.

I'm linking up today with AndreaErika and Narci for Friday Favorites!

This week we are focusing again on some of my favorite inspirational quotes! I hope that these bring you some happiness in the same manner they did for me.  And I hope you have a wonderful weekend ahead.  


This one actually applies to my responding to change post from Wednesday since it is reminding you to look for the Positive in  every situation.  Sometimes when life hands you a bunch of negatives, the best thing you can do is to take a step back and look for the good in every situation.


Over the past few weeks, I have been attempting to complete 10 cycle classes (CycleBar is having a 10-10-10 challenge: 10 classes in 21 days = free classes).  What I love about CycleBar is they send you a recap at the end of each class of how far you have come.  It is great to have a way to challenge yourself and when I am having a particularly difficult time in class, I remember that I have done better than I did in my first every cycle class at CycleBar.  It is always good to see how far you've come when you feel overwhelmed by the progress. 


This one is great! I have been finding that as I push myself a little harder on things, my natural inclination is to bail.  But I am realizing that it is more rewarding to push through the fear and finish what I started (even if it's not with finesse) than it is to walk away.  Obviously there are times when the right thing to do is to walk away, but just make sure you are walking away for the right reasons instead of the wrong ones.


In a world where negative self-talk grows rampant like wildflowers, we have to remember not to be so negative toward yourself.  Think about the last time you said something negative to yourself? Now imagine saying that to your friend.  Not possible right? Well you need to give yourself the same courtesy as you do your friends.  It will spare you a ton of negativity in your life.  


I saw this one on Pinterest and fell in love! I am definitely going to be applying the Three C's in Life from here on out because they are good reminders to keep moving forward in life.  There is nothing worse than staying stagnant in life and this picture reminds me often that I need to keep pushing forward in life. 


For more Inspirational Quotes and pictures, check out my Inspiration Board on Pinterest!

Well that is all for today! I hope you have a wonderful weekend filled with wonderful adventures! I'll be back Monday with a Weekend Recap!

Question of the Day: What is your favorite thing of this week? 
I'd love to hear from you!

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