Workin' It Wednesday: New Year's Goals

Happy Wednesday Friends! I hope all is well and you are having a great day so far! Instead of doing a Stranded With... post every month this year, Shay and Erika have switched things up and have come up with "Workin' It Wednesdays".  I am excited about this one because some of the topics look very interesting! Make sure to check out the link up and join in on the fun either in the comment section of my blog or my Facebook Page.  I always love hearing from you all!  

For the first topic of the year, we are focusing on....

New Year's Goals!

I know I already covered a little bit of my goals for the year in my Month @ a Glance post, but I thought it would be more fun to go more into depth on this post (plus I had planned to share my goals at some point, so why not now?)

So, without further adieu, here are my goals for 2017! 


Send one encouraging letter a month to someone.  
For this year, I want to send one encouraging letter to a person per month.  I got these super cute cards from Thirty-One and they were so inspiring that I could not keep them for myself.  I know for me, when I get a letter in the mail it brings a big smile to myself, so I thought it would be fun to send letters to people to hopefully bring a smile to their face as well.  

2. Lose 30 Pounds
I know, I know a weight loss goal? How cliche! But honestly, I finally feel like I am in a good enough place to make the conscious effort to lose weight this year.  

So here's my plan:
January: Focus on eating healthier by packing lunches for work and cooking at home meals at least 4 days a week.  Not only will this help with both of our weight, it will also save us some money.

February: Start incorporating exercise 1-2 times a week.  I am planning to do Zumba and Cycle to start since they both are great exercise classes and will not be too intense.  

After February, I do not have a plan.  But I know in years past, trying to do both diet and exercise at the same time caused me to get too overwhelmed, so this year I am going to just tackle one at a time. 

3. Read 2 books a month 
So last year I set up my goal to read 12 books and met it at exactly 12.  This year I want to kick it up a bit and try to read two books a month.  My goal is to read my Owlcrate Book as well as a book off of my to be read book list.  If you have a book you think would be a good addition to my list, please let me know! I am always looking for good book recommendations.  

4. Share Thirty-One
So last year I started selling Thirty-One and I am so glad I started selling it.  I have found such an amazing community in through Thirty-One that I want to continue sharing it with anyone and everyone.  Not only are their products so cute, they are so functional! Check out a little more about one of our products and how many uses it has! If you want to learn more about Thirty-One, go here.


So those are my goals for 2017! I know it seems like a lot, but I am confident I can be successful this year and would love to hear more about your goals and how you plan to achieve them! 

Want to see what other people are planning for 2017? Check out the link up on Mix and Match Mama's blog today!

Up Next on Workin' It Wednesday....

Keeping Your Marriage Strong

Question of the Day: What are your resolutions for 2017?

I'd love to hear from you!

Disclosure: Some of the links in the post above are affiliate links. This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will add value to my readers. Read my full disclosure policy here.


  1. For me, find the time to read more books!

  2. Direct sales can be such a fabulous and rewarding field :) My reading is up so far this year, but we'll see what happens when I'm actually willing to go outside again. LOL


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