Book Outlet Spring Haul 2017

Happy Thursday Friends! I hope your week has been going well and you are looking forward to St. Patrick's Day tomorrow! Today I wanted to do a quick post about my last book haul! One of the things I have been working toward this year is reading more books.  Last year I made it a goal to read one book a month for a total of 12 books and I was able to meet that goal.  This year I have doubled my goal and set it at 24 books read in 2017.

Have you heard of Book Outlet? Please tell me you have! They are a website where you can buy books at severely reduced prices and most of them are in near perfect condition.  Since I am not too picky about my books being perfect {and I am cheap and like to save $$}, Book Outlet is the perfect site for me to get some books at great prices! 

When it comes to reading, I tend to hang out in the Young Adult area, so imagine my thrill when Bookbub had a 70-80% off sale on Young Adult books! I managed to snag a bunch of books on my wish list {+ some I did not know I wanted} at a really great price! So today I thought I would share my findings with everyone! 

{{{As a FYI, the book names will be all caps and will provide a link you can use to buy the book.}}}

Books Purchased Through Bookbub

  • THE ADORATION OF JENNA FOX, by Mary E. Pearson // The cover of this book is what drew me in and the description is what made me purchase.  I love a book that has a mystery that even the main character is not aware of.   
  • DAUGHTER OF DEEP SILENCE, by Carrie Ryan // Who doesn't love a book about getting revenge?
  • THE END OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT, by Dee Ann Ellis // This one is a comedic paranormal book and sounded fun and entertaining.
  • EVERYTHING LEADS TO YOU, by Nina LaCour // The cover caught my eye and the description made me click "add".  
  • FOX FOREVER, by Mary E. Pearson // I grabbed this book because it is the 3rd book in the series.  I will have to grab the 2nd one from Amazon before reading this one.  
  • THE GOOD SISTER, by Jamie Kain // Grabbed this murder/mystery book to see what happened to the good sister.  
  • HOW TO SAVE A LIFE, by Sara Zarr // I am always drawn to anything that has to do with adoption. 
  • ILLUMINAE, by Amie Kaufman // I grabbed this one because so many people had been recommending it.  And I am very glad I did.  I read the book and love it! Be looking for a book review later this month! 
  • THE INCIDENT ON THE BRIDGE, by Laura McNeal // Another murder myster book that caught my attention.  
  • LOUD, AWAKE AND LOST, by Adele Griffin // A story about lost memories and amnesia.  From what I've read, if you liked We Were Liars, you might like this one.  
  • A MAD, WICKED FOLLY, by Sharon Biggs Waller // I love books set in the early 1900's so this one was a no-brainer. 
  • PARANORMALCY, by Kiersten White // This one also came highly recommended from a book group I am in, so I knew I had to buy it.  I started it last night and so far I am really enjoying the book.  Will post a review at the end of the month.  
  • SAY YOU WILL, by Eric Walters // I love light-hearted books and this one seems like it would be a fun, quick read so I grabbed it.  
  • SWALLOWING STONES, by Joyce McDonald // I love stories where different characters end up intertwined with each other and this one seems to have a great storyline to it.  
  • TANDEM, by Anna Jarzab // I kind of got an air of Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children from the description and knew I had to add this to my collection.  
  • WE WERE LIARS, by E. Lockhart // Another recommendation from my book friends and I must say it was good! You will never expect the ending.  Be looking for a more detailed review at the end of March.  
  • THE WICKED WILL RISE, by Danielle Paige // This is the second book in the Dorothy Must Die series, so I grabbed it up at a great price + this series comes highly recommended.  

So all together, I managed to get 17 books for a total of $41.08 + shipping! Honestly, I am very happy with how many I was able to add to my collection without killing my budget.

Question of the Day: What books are in your TBR pile? 

I'd love to hear from you!

 This post may contain affiliate links. Read my full disclosure policy here.

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