Show & Tell Tuesday: Travels

Happy Tuesday everyone! 
I hope you have had a great start to your week and are looking forward to some fun things this coming long-weekend! 

Today I am teaming up with Andrea for another fun round of Show and Tell Tuesdays.  Our topic for today is:


For as long as I can remember, my mom and I have traveled in the summertime.  For most of my childhood we would go up north for the 4th of July and out to Massachusetts for a week every summer.  Until recent years, I have gone up north to Mullet Lake with my family for the 4th of July.  This usually included a long weekend filled with boating, swimming, hiking and lazing around.  I have so many fond memories of my summers up there.  

When I was in High school, my parents took the family on a trip to Vegas/The Grand Canyon.  We flew into Vegas and spent a few days walking around the strip and enjoying the pool before renting a car and driving to both the North Rim and South Rim of the Grand Canyon.  Looking back on it now, I am thankful my parents took us to the Grand Canyon for a week because we got to experience something I maybe would have never done before.  Plus, we had fun scaring my mom by climbing all over the rocks.

In 2010, I had the wonderful opportunity to go to France and Italy with my best friend, Sarah.  She had been studying abroad in Morocco and had decided to backpack across Europe for 10 days.  Her parents did not want her to go alone, so they sent me out there to meet her and we spent 10 days visiting several cities in Italy and sending a few days in Paris.  This was my first time leaving North America and I am so glad I got the chance to travel with Sarah!

In 2011, Justin and I made our way to Jamaica for our honeymoon and I have to say, this was my favorite "relaxing" vacation.  Typically when we travel, we are always on the go and it was nice to just spend a week relaxing by the beach and taking my time with everything while I was there.  We did do one or two excursions while we were there, but it was so nice to just not have plans and to relax.  

In October 2015, I went on another big trip with Sarah and Christina to Uruguay! This trip was a little less planned than the others because we had a smaller window to get to Uruguay (due to Sarah's parents only being in Uruguay for a short period of time).  I think this is one of my favorite vacations because of the amount of sheer fun and adventure the three of us girls got into while we were there.  Let's just say, we were clearly American girls traveling in another country and we had a lot of people laughing with us while we were trying to figure everything out.


Since Uruguay, I've been to Florida twice, California, Traverse City and a few other fun places! It's kind of funny because I feel like I do not travel often, but when you look back on it, I travel quite often.  I am hoping this year to get out to Bali to see Sarah, Massachusetts to visit family and back out to Traverse City again with Kimmy! These long-weekend trips end up being some of my favorite because they are so fun and exciting. 

Well that is all for my Show and Tell post this time! I hope you enjoyed seeing highlights of some of my favorite vacations over the years! 

Question of the Day: What is your favorite vacation you've ever taken?

Feel free to share your favorite vacation in the comments below or on my Facebook Page

Next time on Show and Tell: 

The Struggle is Real 

This will be a fun one I think! Or it could be really frustrating, but I guess we will see! 

Question of the Day: What is your favorite vacation you have taken?

I'd love to hear from you!


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