What's Up Wednesday #16

Happy Hump Day friends! 

Today I am participating in another round of What's Up Wednesday

Once a month I join in the fun with SheafferMel and Shay answering some fun questions and sharing what fun things are happening.  Here's the questions we answer every month...

What We're Eating this Week
Ya'll, I finally got around to trying Shipt, and let me tell you, it has been amazing.  Grocery shopping is one of those chores that neither Justin nor myself want to do.  Thankfully Shipt makes it easy! For a small fee (think $8 or so a month), you can do all your grocery shopping virtually and have some deliver them right to your house! I was nervous to try this out, but I am SO glad I did.  If you use this link, you can get $10 off your order! But I digress.... This week we are having: Nacho Pie, Shepherd's Pie, Grilled Chicken and Potatoes and Chicken Parmesan.  

What I'm Reminiscing About
I am coming up to the one year mark of buying my car and it is kind of hard to believe we are already there.  I've had a few issues with the car, but I think the dealership has gotten it figured out! Maybe now my gas mileage will be accurate, ha!

What I'm Loving
I love that we are coming up to the holiday season.  Christmas is three months away and I have already started planning out November and December and I cannot wait to spend time with family and friends celebrating the holidays.  

What We've Been Up To
Last weekend Justin and I went to the Michigan Renaissance Festival and next weekend we are heading to apple picking! I love going to pick apples with my friends and the weather will be perfect while we are there! Michigan is having another Indian Summer {which is nice}, but I am ready for 60+ and sunny. 

What I'm Dreading
Painting our mudroom.  We finally finished decorating our dining room so we are moving onto our next project which is the mudroom/powder room! I'm excited with some of the decoration ideas I've found on Pinterest, but I am also not looking forward to painting both rooms.  Check out some of my inspiration below! 

What I'm Working On
 Lately I've been trying to keep up with my chores around the house.  The goal is to keep on top of them instead of letting them pile up and then become overwhelming later.  It has been an interesting concept so far, but if I feel it is successful, I will definitely do a post on how breaking it down into smaller chunks has helped me.  

What I'm Looking Forward To
As I mentioned earlier, I love the holidays and I am looking forward to apple picking, Friendsgiving and all of the fun that comes along with the holidays! 

What I'm Watching/Reading
Later this week I will be sharing the two books I read this month! But my current read is, The Hearts We Sold by Emily Lloyd-Jones (and since the Ninjago commercials, I cannot say Lloyd without saying La-Lloyd).  It is an interesting read and definitely worth checking out.  Be looking for my recap later this week! 

What I'm Listening To
Just a whole lot of Spotify.  Nothing too exciting.  

What I'm Wearing
The last week has been so hot in Michigan that I have been wearing mostly short sleeves to work with a cardigan because it's hot getting into and out to the parking garage, but the AC at works makes me cold.  So I am really just having a hard time keeping my temperature regulated.  

What I'm Doing this Weekend
Friday night my friends and I are going out for a girls night out, Saturday we have no real plans, then Sunday we're going apple picking (in case you didn't know already).  I'm looking forward to spending time with our friends! 

Previous What's Up Wednesday Posts

I'd love to hear from you!

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