October: Month @ a Glance

Oh hello there! So my plan to post more frequently didn't go as planned, but here I am picking up one of my favorite post series I used to do on the blog! Can you believe we're already in October? Where in the world has this year gone? October is my second favorite month after December {because, Christmas} and it also really represents the beginning of the holiday season for me!

This year I am participating in the Last 90 Days challenge again because I really felt like the challenge had a positive influence in my life and I think it would be good to finish the year off strongly.  If you haven't heard of the Last 90 Days challenge, check out The Hollis Co. website.

October is always a fun and busy month for us and this year is no different.

So here's what's on our agenda this month! 

On the Agenda this Month:

1. Helping our friends pack and move into their first house
2. Meeting our friends baby/dinner date with friends
3. My brother is getting married!
4. Halloween party at our house
5. Our 8th anniversary

Goals for October

1. Read Four Books: I know this is more than I used to do in the past, but I started a reading challenge with my girlfriend and I want to keep on it as much as I can! I'll be posting about that challenge soon, I promise!

2. Exercise daily: One of the goals for the Last 90 Days challenge is 30 minutes of exercise every day.  My goal is to either use my Peloton bike or go for a walk/run every day.  

3. At least 4 posts this month.  I have had 3 or 4 half written posts on in my queue for the last 2 months so I desperately need to finish writing them and share them with you all!

Question of the Day: What costume are you wearing for Halloween this year?

Share your responses below in the comments! 

I'd love to hear from you!

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