August: Month @ a Glance


Happy Sunday and happy August 1st friends! I hope you have had a wonderful weekend so far and are looking forward to a great week ahead.  

Today we're going to talk a little bit about the upcoming month and all the fun things we have planned.

On the Agenda this Month:

1. Weekend in Raleigh.  On Thursday we are making our way to Raleigh, NC for the weekend.  My parents were heading down there for the weekend for a business thing for my step-dad so we decided to tag along.  It worked out perfectly because Justin has a few friends that live in the area and we will be able to connect with them.  

2. Bridal Shower. The wedding festivities continue in August as we have what I think will be our last bridal shower of 2021.  This time we're going to a shower for my cousin's future wife.  I'm excited to celebrate with them. 

3. Friend's Birthday Party.  Because of COVID, my friend didn't do a big party for her birthday last year.  This year, she's doing it big and renting bouncy houses and doing a fun-filled evening.  I'm excited to celebrate her this year. 

3. 1st Birthday party for my friend's son.  It's kinda hard to believe, by my friend Vicki's son is going to be one in September! Her baby shower was one year ago today, so it's hard for me to wrap my head around the fact that he's going to be one.

4. Christina's Big Reception.  Because Christina did a smaller wedding in July, she is doing a big open house style reception at the end of August.  I'm excited to continue the festivities for her and Tony. 

Goals for August:

1. Read One Book: Yep.  This goal is still here.  I don't understand why I am struggling to read, but here I am.  

2. Clean out the Basement.  This goal will span over July and August, but we desperately need to go through the stuff in our basement and start trashing/recycling things we no longer need.  Anyone else have a problem keeping boxes because "this is a nice box"? Yeah... we have that problem. 

Question of the Day: What are you doing to keep yourself busy during the summer months.

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