Happy Wednesday and September 1st friends! It is hard to believe that we are already in September. This year seems to have completely flown by. I guess that's what happens when you're having fun. It's hard to believe were in the last third of 2021. I'm excited - Fall is my absolute favorite season of the year and I am so excited.
Today we're going to talk a little bit about the upcoming month and all the fun things we have planned.
On the Agenda this Month:
1. Wedding for my Cousin. We are starting September off with the last of the weddings we will be attending this year. My cousin is getting married in October, but we will not be able to make it to North Dakota for their wedding (they planned it super quick). The wedding we will be attending is at one of my favorite venues so I am excited to go and celebrate them.
2. Weekend in the Upper Peninsula for Labor Day. Every year we head up to Justin's family cabin for the weekend with his parents and this year is no different. I am excited to get away for the weekend and spend some quality time with his parents. The only new thing we are doing this year is going to the Pictured Rocks. I'm very excited because this is on my Michigan Bucket List so I am excited to be able to check that off my list this year.
3. Wine & Chocolate Boat Tour. This is another item on my Bucket List since my friend talked about how much fun she had when she went for her 30th birthday. So of course we're going for her birthday this year. I've never been so it will be fun to check it out.
4. 40th Birthday Party for a friend. September is a bit month for birthdays in our friend group (ironically January and September are big months in the friend group for birthdays) and this year we have a big one to celebrate. I'm looking forward to celebrating a friend going into a new decade. I think it will be a lot of fun and I love birthday parties.
5. Diablo II Remastered Release. This one is a bit nerdy, but Diablo II Remastered is coming out this month and I am excited. I never played the original one, but the beta was a lot of fun and I'm looking forward to playing the remastered version of the game.
Goals for September:
1. Read one book: Yep. This goal is still here. I don't understand why I am struggling to read, but here I am.
2. Finish cleaning out the garage. Justin did a great job cleaning out half of the garage - now we just need to get the second half of the garage done. It's not going to be too bad, but man do I hate cleaning the garage due to all the spiders out there.
Question of the Day: What do you have planned in September? Ready for the kiddos to go back to school?
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