DIY Christmas Ornament {11.18.2021}


Hello and happy Thursday friends! I hope your week is going well so far and you're getting ready for a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday (for my U.S. friends).  Also, did you make your way to Starbucks for their red cup day? I made my way over there this morning.  I just love their holiday drinks. 

Today I thought I would share a tutorial on these super cute ornaments I made! I came across this idea on TikTok, except instead of them making ornaments, they made place cards for their wedding - so fun right? I thought I would try and make some for us and if I really like them I might make a few for friends/family for Christmas. 

Before we get started I wanted to let you know that I will be sharing some affiliate links, that means if you click on a link and make a purchase, I'll get a very small commission.  As always, I only recommend items that I think you'll find valuable or are worth the money.  

Here's the tutorial! 



Before I started painting anything, I used a program to design my background images.  A lot of different tutorials showed people doing their design by free hand, but I was not confident I would be able to do that, so I used PicMonkey to design the words on my ornament.  First I put a hexagon shape on the page, then added the words I wanted inside the hexagon.  Once I had all the designs created, I took the images and put them into a word document so I could print them out.  I tried to make sure the hexagons were 3" wide to match the ornaments that way everything would fit inside the ornament.  I was able to put about six ornaments per page when printing which was very helpful.

Once I had all my pages printed, I placed my ornaments on top of the image so I would be able to trace my design.  One thing I did not take into consideration with the Sharpie Pens I got is that I would need a more fine point pen to be able to get the calligraphy look.  Unfortunately, because my pens were a bit thicker I lost a little bit of the design, but I think they still turned out cute.  

The image below gives you a better idea of how thick the writing will be with these pens.  There are some more fine point pens out there, so if you want a more calligraphy look, I'd maybe look to getting one of those versus the ones I suggested.  But I think the ink worked well and is not a bad option.

Once the ink was dry on the front of the ornament, it's time to add the pretty background color.  If you are not too keen on adding a background color and like the cleaner look, then all you need to do is let the ornament dry and add your ribbon and you're done.  If you're more into the background color look, then add some color to the back.  I chose gold because I love gold for the Christmas season, but you could easily do another color like red or green and still feel just as festive.

After the paint dried, I tried to seal the ornaments by using a clear, shiny Mod Podge and it unfortunately stripped some of my paint off the design.  I was sad that that happened because I had to start over on a few of them.  I also tried a matte sealer to protect the paint.  This one did work well with the paint pens, but it took away from some of the shininess of the ornament.  If I had to do it again, I'd get a clear sealing spray and just spray paint both sides to protect the ornament.

Once the ornament was completely dry, I tied the ribbon to the top.  I used a 1/8" ribbon in red and green and thought they turned out super cute.  You can use a thicker ribbon if you want to - I just really liked the look of the thin ribbon.  

I created a few boomerangs for you to see what the different versions looked like! I hope you enjoy

So what do you think? I think they turned out super cute and I'm excited to give some to friends and family for Christmas {for those that are reading, no your ornaments don't look like this - it's a surprise}.  

Thank you for taking the time to read my post today - if you decide to make some ornaments of your own, let me know in the comments below! I'd love to see how you create your own creative ornaments.

Disclosure: Some of the links in the post above are affiliate links. This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will add value to my readers. Read my full disclosure policy here.  

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