Blogmas Day 19: Bad Habits to Break this Holiday Season {12.19.2021}


Happy Sunday friends! I hope you had a wonderful weekend and are looking forward to a fun week of Christmas festivities.  This week we are having a low-key week with the exception the few days around Christmas.  I'm looking forward to having some quality time with our family over the next week and finally getting to give our gifts to everyone.  I loved shopping this year and look forward to giving everyone the gifts.

For today's post, I thought it would be a good idea to share some bad habits to break as you prepare for the Christmas holiday.  The holidays are always filled with a lot of fun and excitement, but they also come with chaos and stress.  So I figured it might be good to share some bad habits to eliminate during this week and as you go into the new year.

Bad Habits to Break 

1. Constantly comparing yourself to others.  With the holidays, it's easy to get sucked into the need to be the biggest and the best for everything including gifts, decorations or even parties. This can also include comparing yourself to others - either in the gifts you receive, things that they have versus yourself.  When you focus on what you don't have, it's very difficult to be grateful for what you DO have.

2. Stopping your self-care routine.  During the holidays, it can be very easy to fall out of your routine for self-care.  This includes your regular skin care routine, your workout routine or anything that you do to keep yourself steady as you go through a busy time in your life.  Whatever self-care looks like for you, it's important to not fall out of your routine during the holidays. 

3. Putting others happiness over your own peace.  There is so much pressure around Christmas to attend this event or donate your time or exchange gifts or whatever it is that someone is expecting of you.  If you like partaking in these types of things, then you should absolutely partake in them.  However, if you are being pressured into something that you believe will interrupt your peace, it is important to step back and make sure you are comfortable with that disruption.  Remember, it is perfectly acceptable to say no thank you to whatever it is that will disrupt your peace.  

4. Stop putting things off.  Are there things that you wanted to get done before the holidays? If your answer is yes, then you should absolutely go ahead and do them.  This could be chores or plans or anything that you wanted to get done.  Procrastination can absolutely cause more stress.  And let's be honest, that thing you are putting off will probably take you 15 minutes to complete.

5. Not giving yourself grace.  If you are able to give others grace for the holidays, then why do you have such a hard time extending that same courtesy to yourself? It's really important that you recognize that things may not go as planned and it is totally okay.  Grace is so important, especially in the chaos of the holidays

Well that is everything for today! Thanks for taking time to read my blog - I really hope you are enjoying the content and enjoy reading everything.  Come back tomorrow to see the next Blogmas post.  Only 6 more days to go!

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