Hello and happy Tuesday friends! I hope your week is off to a great start and your schedule isn't too chaotic. Today I thought I'd share another round of Tuesday Things. So let's dive in!
1. My mom has a rather significant surgery this coming Wednesday and I have to say, I am nervous. I know that she will be okay, but it always scares me whenever myself or anyone I love has to go under anesthesia.
2. The cats fell on my face while I was sleeping last week and I will definitely have a scar on my forehead from it. I'm not quite sure what happened, but all I know is I woke up to blood on my face and a headache. It's healing fairly nicely so far, so maybe I'll get lucky but I'm not hopeful.
3. Have you watched Love on the Spectrum on Netflix? It's a really neat show about people with Autism in search of love. I appreciate how the show is done because they highlight the good, bad and sometimes ugly part of Autism and show how awesome those people can be.
4. I'm thinking of going to get a manicure sometime soon. I usually get one or two a year so I guess I am about due for one.
5. I'm excited about going to get sunflowers this weekend with some of my friends. It will be so fun to do this for the first time! I had put it on my list in 2021 as something to do this year and I'm glad that I get to actually go and do it. Plus we will get to celebrate our friend as she takes her maternity photos.
Well that's everything for this Tuesday! I hope you have a great rest of your week.

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