Hello and happy Sunday everyone! I hope your July is off to a great start. We've been hunkering down due to air quality advisory, but we had a friend visiting the last few days so it was a lot of fun. We both have a few days off work so it will be nice to just relax and have a good time. July is a bit quieter than June but we still have a few fun things on the calendar this month.
On the Agenda this Month:
1. Meet my friends son. Today I'm heading over to my friend's house to meet her son. He's already 7 weeks old, but my schedule has been so crazy busy that this was the first time I am going to get to see her and her little one. I'm very excited.
2. Baby shower for a family friend. A family friend and his wife are having their first baby in September so my mom and I are heading to their baby shower. I am very excited for them and cannot wait to celebrate them. I have about a week left to finish their blanket - I should probably get moving.
3. Picnic for work. It's been a few years because of the pandemic, but our team is heading to a picnic in July. We all get together, have delicious food and play outdoor party games. It will be nice - I just hope the weather isn't too bad when we go. July is always finicky.
4. Grad party for my cousin. We're down to the last few of my cousins graduating high school and it's hard to believe we are here. My cousin's party will be in mid-July and my aunt happens to be coming in town from Albuquerque that weekend so we will visit her as well while she is here.
5. Birthday party for my unofficial niece. Her birthday was actually in June but she got ill for her birthday and the party had to be rescheduled. So we're celebrating her this month instead! I am excited to celebrate her.
6. Brunch with the girls. We've been consistently getting together almost every month so I am excited to have the girls over at the end of the month for brunch. The last one was June 3rd so it's been quite some time since we've all gotten together.
Goals for July:
In June I put together a good goal list outside of the blog and did a decent job sticking to the goals so I thought for this month I would share all of them here. Last month I used a tracker from Evermore Paper Co., but it looks like their site isn't working right now. So I went ahead and created a similar version for tracking this month. I'm hoping their site will go back up soon, but if you'd like to use mine, just click on the image at the end of this post - to be clear their version was free and this version is free. I will not earn any income from this printable.
1. Drink 80oz + a day. Drinking water is one of the biggest things I struggle to complete so I am going to make it a daily goal to drink 80oz+ of water a day until it becomes second nature. Thankfully I have my Stanley 64oz tumbler that makes it a little bit easier to get my water in every day.
2. Daily skincare routine. You're going to see a trend here - I tend to not take very good care of myself, but my skin is dry and rough looking so my goal is to do my full skincare routine two times a day to help my skin out. This included washing, serums, moisturizer, eye cream and sunscreen (only during the day).
3. Post 20+ deals in my Facebook group every day. I have actively had my Facebook group for almost two years now and would like to keep growing my group. The best way to do this is to consistently post every day in my group and share a wide variety of groups. I just want to make sure that I keep consistent and post every single day.
4. Read 10 pages a day. If you've heard of 75 Hard then you probably know about this. My goal is to read 10 pages a day. I'm hoping this will push me toward reading more because I'm more than likely to read more than just the 10 pages. I think I'm going to start with Emily Henry's new book, Happy Place. I really loved her other book I read so this will be fun!
5. 2+ blog posts a week. I really love creating blog posts for you all and have a goal to post at least 2 times a week. I'd like to post engaging content and share things that you all enjoy. If you have anything you'd like to see, let me know!
Well I think that is everything for today! I hope you have a great month!
Question of the Day: What do you have planned in July?

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