Happy Tuesday and Happy 4th of July for my American friends! I hope you are enjoying a day off today and will be spending some much needed time relaxing and enjoying the sunshine. We will be having a quiet day at home and I'm excited. I've been feeling super burned out lately and this will help me feel refreshed before I go back to work tomorrow.
For today's blog post, I am doing another round of Tuesday Things where I share some random things we've been doing over the past week.
For today's blog post, I am doing another round of Tuesday Things where I share some random things we've been doing over the past week.
1. Have you watched Air on Amazon Prime Video? We watched it on a whim the other day and it is very good. Definitely very interesting to see the history of Nike and how they came to work with Michael Jordan. If you have not watched it yet, I'd add it to the list for sure.
2. We're doing "Just Essentials July" where we're only spending money on our essentials. We have been so bad about tracking our spending that we thought it would be good to challenge ourselves to not spend money on eating out or on frivolous things. I think the hardest part will be not spending money at Target for the whole month, but we will manage.
3. I finished one baby blanket last weekend and will need to finish another by this Saturday. Thankfully this is my normal pattern so I can basically do it without even looking. It's a gift for a family friend who is having a little girl. I am really loving the color. It's a dusty purple and I don't think I've ever made one this color before.
4. Speaking of baby blankets, I have another one to make for my cousin who is due in August and another cousin who is due in September. So I am essentially making one blanket a month for a the summer. At some point I will need to catch up on my temperature blanket I have been working on myself.
5. I got to meet my friends so on Sunday and it was so awesome. There's nothing more fun than meeting the kiddos of your friends for the first time. I'm so excited for them as they get into their parenting journey. I'm sure they will be great parents.
Well that's everything for this Tuesday! I hope you have a great rest of your week.

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