I started a Silent Book Club chapter {04.04.24}

Hello and happy Friday friends! I hope your week is winding down well and you are looking forward to a fun weekend ahead.  We will be doing things around the house and enjoying the warmer weather.  I'm hoping we can get at the cars and give them a good post-winter cleaning. 

For today's post I thought it would be fun to share a little bit about Silent Book Club! If you don't know what Silent Book Club is, here is a little bit more information: 

Silent Book Club is a global community of readers and introverts, with more than 500 chapters in 50 countries around the world led by local volunteers. SBC members gather in public at bars, cafes, bookstores, libraries, and online to read together in quiet camaraderie. (

So the idea is for people that love reading but do not love being told what book to read to have a place to go to and read their book while also connecting with other avid readers.  My friend actually mentioned it to me and when we started talking about it she mentioned that she was going to start a chapter in her area since the nearest one was over 45 minutes from her house. 

This led me to see if there were any chapters in my area and there was one within 15 minutes from my house but from what I could tell they have not met in a while so I went ahead and researched what I would need to do to start one in my hometown.  

I am happy to share that setting up a Silent Book Club through the organization is very easy.  Once you've decided on a name for your chapter, all you have to do is submit a form through their website.  Once they accept your application, they will send you some helpful information you can use to get started like picking a location, how to get the word out and other fun ideas.  They also provide style guides to use when setting up your social media.  

To be honest, setting up my first meeting was a bit of a task.  A lot of my local restaurants/venues were either non responsive or wanted a lot of money to reserve their space.  Since this is meant to be available to anyone, reserving a space for hundreds of dollars was not possible.  Luckily after a bunch of calls and emails I was able to lock down locations through June of this year.  Ultimately my goal is to find a place we all like and regularly meet on the same day of the month to make planning easier for everyone.  I have a place in mind that I think will be perfect but everyone will have a chance to give their opinion.

Our first meeting took place last month and I made the mistake of saying it was at a location that happened to be closed on that day {insert face palm}.  Thankfully everyone was so accommodating and flexible and there were a total of seven of us that attended the meeting.  It was so nice meeting new people that share a passion for books too.  And I have scheduled meetings through June (with July quickly being planned).

If you live in my area and are looking for a fun evening out reading the book of your choice, check out our Instagram or our Facebook Group.  You can also use the below QR code to be taken to the Instagram where updates will be shared regularly. 

Well I think that is all for today! Do you have a local Silent Book Club chapter where you live? Would you be interested in joining one? 

Have a wonderful day,

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