Blog Refocus

Hey All!
Sorry it has been so long since my last post! As you could see from reading my last post, my life has been super chaotic the last few weeks and will continue to be for the next month or so.  Which is great! I love to be busy!
However, it has come to my attention that I will not be able to continue training for the 1/2 marathon like I had originally planned and therefore, this blog has lost it's original purpose and has become moot. 
Which leads me to my next topic!
I have been having a pity party for myself that I will not be able to run the 1/2 marathon in September as planned and, unfortunatly, it has really been getting me down.  However, I have decided that it is time to refocus my life and my energies into doing positive things and living with a positive attitude for my day-to-day experiences.  AND to find a new 1/2 marathon to run sometime next year!
This blog will still have information about training for a 1/2 marathon and how that is going, but it will also be focusing on how to live a better all-around life.  It will focus on how to go about maintaining better relationships with family and friends, how to cook the healthiest recipes, how to refocus your attitude when you are down and how to live life to the very fullest.
My goal is to start next month off by working on my first major negativity in my life: Complaining.  I will be working on ways to take the negativity of complaining out and putting exciting happy feelings in.  On top of working on that particular negativity, I will be sharing all of the fun and exciting things that I partake in throughout the month with you all and how those events positively or negatively impact my life!
I am really looking forward to REFOCUSING my life and my blog and sharing in that experience with you!

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