Hey All! So I must say that life has been rather busy the last 3 weeks and I have not been able to get a run in. Literally, I've been busy non-stop and haven't been able to get to the gym once.
The week of the 4th I headed up to Alanson, MI, with my best friend to visit her family for the 3-5. It was such a relaxing time. We spent time on the boat and in the sun and it was super relaxing. Her family has a tradition that on the 4th of July they go to this little city in northwestern Michigan called Harbor Springs for a parade, spend the day shopping in the city, then watch the fireworks late at night! We changed up their routine a bit and headed to the fireworks the night before instead. They were pretty awesome!
On the 4th we headed out to the parade to hang out and it was SO hot. Michigan has been having record breaking heat for the last month or so, and it was definitely a scorcher that week! By 10 a.m. it was probably 90 degrees or hotter outside! Can you believe that?
We headed to the dock to check out all of the amazing boats people had docked there. I have to say I was rather jealous of some of the ships and was really hoping that we could get a chance to go inside a few of them, but we had no such luck. Here is us on the dock:
The parade was definitely fun and I really enjoyed it since I haven't been to one in what feels like forever.
The weekend after the 4th, I headed back up north to the very top of the mitten in a city called Cheboygan with my husband. Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures from our time there, but it was a nice time and I got a lot of boating time in which is a real treat for me.
As I mentioned in this this post, I was accepted into the I/O Psychology graduate program at Wayne State! On top of this wonderful news, I also have been offered a job at a company that I interviewed for back in January. So in the last month I have been offered a new job and been accepted into graduate school. This is the reason that I have been so busy. Next Wednesday I will be heading out to Vermont with my husband to go to my friend's wedding that I am in and we are going to make a vacation out of the whole trip. We will be going to her wedding in Montpelier, then headed down to southern Vermont to visit his aunt. After Vermont we will be heading to Boston to visit my dad and his family. AND while we are there, we will be going to see the Red Sox play the Detroit Tigers! I am super excited since the Tigers are my team. After Boston, we will be heading to Philadelphia to visit his cousin and his family! So it's going to be one crazy week of visiting with family and I am super excited! It will be nice to be on vacation, but I am a bit stressed out too because the day after we get back, I will be starting my new job.
So because of starting the new job and getting ready for graduate school, I have been busy running around trying to get myself completely ready for both before we head on our vacation.
To change the subject, I am super excited about tonight! My husband, our friend Nick, and myself will be heading out to the midnight premier of The Dark Knight Rises!
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http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/the_dark_knight_rises/pictures/ |
I can't wait to post about it tomorrow! Well I am off for now! I hope everyone gets to see The Dark Knight Rises this weekend, and loves it!
Over and Out.
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