Shopping Extravaganza

Hello! What a fun day Sunday was.  My best friend, Danielle, and I dedicated our entire day to shopping for fall outfits and a few other miscellaneous things for our anniversary.

We headed out to The Somerset Collection Mall in Troy, MI.  We started our day out by heading out to Buckle to look for new jeans and I ended up with a new pair of jeans and two sweaters! Plus, I got a new hat for Justin! 

For lunch, we went to the food court to grab a bite to eat and Danielle had yummy salad while I had some pizza.  After our brief lunch break we headed to shop around some more until the mall closed at six.

After our shopping spree we headed to the Emagine Movie Theater to see Pitch Perfect.  
The theater we went to also had a restaurant and bowling alley, so we grabbed a bite to eat before heading into the movies. 

The restaurant had the coolest menus! When you open it up, the menu lights up!
We had leftovers from dinner and grabbed a drink and popcorn before we headed into the movie.  

I would definitely recommend going to see Pitch Perfect! We laughed through the entire movie, and I look forward to taking Justin to see it soon!

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