Weekend Recap

Happy Cyber Monday Everyone! I hope you are able to finish any shopping today that you couldn't do in stores on Friday!

Our weekend was rather busy, but also very fun.  Saturday we went out to my parents house to have a late lunch and spend a few hours with my step-dad before he left for Des Moines for work.  Plus, we were able to get a little snuggle time with Frye (Less than two weeks until we get him back!).

He's getting so big, but he still has his baby meow.  What a sweet face!

A few of Justin's friends from high school were in town for the Holiday and wanted to meet up with him, so after lunch we headed out to go bowling.  I must admit I am TERRIBLE at bowling. Yes, the bottom J is me.  At least I did better than my 56 the last time I bowled!

 Honestly, my favorite part of bowling is the shoes.  If it was possible to wear them as a day-to-day shoe, I probably would because of how comfortable they are.

Sunday was a bit more low-key for us.  Every year my mom and I bake cookies together and decorate the tree, so we continued that tradition yesterday by baking a rather large amount of cookies and putting the lights on the tree.  My mom didn't want to put the bulbs on the tree yet because she is afraid Frye will decide they are toys and break them.  I guess she will just have to wait a few weeks then.

As per our tradition, we made our chocolate chip cookies (not pictured), plain peanut butter cookies and peanut butter blossom cookies.  We also added a new cookie to the list this year: Lemon Sugar Cookies.  They are delicious and I will be doing a separate post with the recipe and directions! Yummy!

Sunday evening consisted of me going through more boxes to get rid of more stuff before our move in less than two weeks.  Our townhouse is really starting to get chaotic, so I am more than ready to move into the next apartment.  

Question of the Day:
What is your favorite cookie recipe?
Do you have any Holiday traditions?

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