Black Friday Craziness

Hello all of you die-hard shoppers! I hope your day of shopping has been as successful as ours!

Justin, Wesley and his mom went out last night in the pouring rain to hit a few stores to hopefully catch the discounts.  I, on the other hand, went home and got a good nights sleep.

Can you tell it's raining pretty hard? Justin grabbed a box to put on his head because they only had two umbrellas.  Such a silly guy.

It seems like Justin had some luck shopping at Best Buy because he came home with a bag filled with things from there. 

This is only a portion of the stuff he bought because a few of the other items are Christmas gifts for family members that keep up with my blog.  Wouldn't want to ruin any surprises!

This morning Justin and I got up and decided to head back out to mall to grab a few final gifts we needed to get his family finished.  I've been really pushing for us to get all of the Christmas shopping done before we move into our new place in a few weeks.  It will be too chaotic to try and shop for Christmas AND move at the same time.  

Look at what else we got today! I am so stoked about the wrapping paper! We originally bought it because we thought it was nice on the outside, but I was pleasantly surprised when I opened it up and it was double-sided! The best part? We got it at Home Depot.

When we got home from shopping I decided to use the new wrapping paper and wrap the gifts for Justin's family because we are celebrating with them in two weeks.  I am hoping that with all of the gifts wrapped, we can take them to his parents house and leave them there so they do not get lost in the move.  

We just have one more little thing to get for my brother-in-law, then his entire family will be done and we can drop the gifts off at his parents house!

Now I just need to finish a few small gifts and find a DIY craft for a party I am going to next month.  Do you have any suggestions for a useful DIY project I could make? Let me know if you do!

Another exciting thing happened today.  We had our first official snow! Only in Michigan can you go from 65 degrees one day to 33 degrees and snowing the next.  I was pretty excited to see the snow, but I am glad Mother Nature decided to wait until the day after Thanksgiving to give us the first snow.

Well, it has been a long day and I'm getting rather tired.  Have an excellent weekend everyone!

Question of the Day:
Do you go out late for Black Friday Shopping?
If yes, what is your favorite store to shop?

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