Christmas at the In-Laws

Hello Everyone! As I mentioned in my last post, I needed a separate post to talk about my Sunday Christmas with my in-laws!

Sunday started with all of us arriving at my in-laws house wearing our new Christmas pajamas.  I love the pajamas my mother-in-law got me! But I don't have a picture of the entire outfit, so here is a link to them: link.  They are super comfortable and very warm.  I LOVE them! 

Instead of doing the traditional Christmas dinner, they changed it up this year and we had Christmas breakfast.  We had omelette's, potatoes, sausage links and cinnamon rolls.  There was also a wide variety of fruit and some very delicious yogurt.  Yum! And it was all served on her Christmas chinaware.  Super adorable!

After breakfast, we exchanged gifts and boy was my nephew super excited! He ran around trying to open every one's gifts and it was just so awesome to see the big smile on his little face.  It always melts my heart when he gets super excited, especially when I know we contributed to that big smile.  I love that little guy so much.

The other great time of the day? Getting some cuddle time in with our niece.  She is only two months old and has stolen my heart.  Justin even got some cuddle time in himself, which is a pretty big deal! I mentioned before that he is afraid to hold little babies, so for him to do it twice in one month was awesome.   And I also got some cuddle time with my hubs.  We've been so crazy busy that we haven't really "spent" time together (other than when we are sleeping which does not count).

After the gifts were exchanged and everyone was full and tired from breakfast, we all sat down and relaxed for a little while to let our food settle.  After the short break, it was time to make cookies!

My mother-in-law, sister-in-law and myself started a Christmas cookie baking tradition last year and chose this past Sunday as our baking day.  Originally, the day was supposed to be entirely cookie baking, but due to every one's crazy schedules, we decided to do it all in one day.  Baking cookies is one of my favorite things and doing it with these lovely ladies makes it that much better.

I think my favorite cookie of the day was the peanut butter blossoms my sister-in-law makes, but we did try a few different and new recipes.  My favorite new one was the Apple Cider Caramel Cookie.  I will have to share the recipe with you when I get a minute.  This is only a small portion of the cookies that we made and each of them was super delicious! 

After the cookies were done, everyone headed home with their gifts and full bellies to relax.  What a wonderful Christmas celebration! 

Question of the Day:
What is your favorite cookie recipe?
Do you like cookies gooey or crunchy?

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