Moving Weekend Chaos

Happy Tuesday Everyone! I am sorry that I did not get a chance to jump on here until now, but this weekend was rather busy and chaotic to say the very least.

As I have been talking about for a while, Justin and I made plans to move up the road to a new apartment so we could continue to have our kitty, Frye.  Well, the move finally came and it was exhausting. 

These are pictures of the old place as we slowly got more and more stuff out of the unit.  With a TON of help from family and friends, we were able to get almost everything out of the unit.  We just need to get a few more things out of the basement and spend some good time cleaning up the old place and we will be officially moved out.

It has been rather bittersweet to move out of this place.  Justin and I moved into this unit because it was the best and greatest option for us the month before our wedding in October 2011, so this is technically our first "home" as a married couple.  It saddens me a bit that we are moving on, but I know that it is for the better and that we will be much happier at the new place with our kitty.


Saturday during the day was very similar to Friday.  Justin's parents came over to continue to help us move stuff out of the old unit.  While Justin and his dad spent time spackling some holes in the old unit, his mom and I spent time unpacking boxes and getting as much space livable as possible.  We were able to get most of the master bedroom done along with a large portion of the living room.  Thankfully, the kitchen was mostly done on Friday night and we have been able to use it since then (except for a lack of silverware).  We had to eat our breakfast with big stirring spoons since that is all we had on hand.

Saturday night we went to my parents house to celebrate my brother, Jared's, 21st birthday! 

As I mentioned in the post about my step-dad's birthday, my mom always makes a Waldorf Astoria Red Velvet Cake for my step-dad and step-brother.  Can you believe how dark red the cake is? It makes me laugh because when we started this tradition I was not a big fan of the cake, but now I love it.  This phenomenon has also occurred with Justin.  It honestly has to do with how dense the cake is.  You expect a cake to be fluffy and light, but this cake is the opposite of that! We finished off the evening by playing a round of Russian Rummy (which I was winning until the very last round when my mom swooped in for the win).

The best part of our Saturday? We finally got to bring Frye home! It was so wonderful to finally have him back.  Sunday we spent the day with Justin's family celebrating Christmas, but that will have to get a separate post all on it's own.

Question of the Day:
What birthday traditions do you have?

We obviously do the red velvet cake for my step-brother and step-dad, but for my birthday we have a Dairy Queen ice cream cake.  I love that tradition.

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