It's Been an Exciting Week!

Can you believe it? I started out this week with 1500 views (not including myself) and now I am posting my 100th post! It is amazing to see how much the blog has morphed since I started it back in April.  I had originally planned on using this blog solely for the purpose of recording my 1/2 marathon training/weight loss, but not it has morphed into something that I enjoy even more than the original intended purpose.

Last night, Justin and I went to check out our new apartment to get an idea of the layout and how much storage space we were going to have! It was super exciting to get in there and start brainstorming where each piece of furniture will sit and if we are going to paint or not.  

As you can guess, the thing I am  most excited about is the kitchen.  I will have so much more counter and cabinet space, that I will not feel the need to store things on top of the refrigerator like we do now.  I cannot wait to get in there and start baking! It's been driving me crazy to not have the ability to be baking cookies like I do every Christmas-time.

Michigan has been giving us some beautiful sunrise and sunsets the last few days, but in exchange for the beautiful sunrise, we also got the cold weather.  The only thing I wish we could have is no rain.  It's looking like we will have rain for our move tomorrow which will prove to be difficult when moving the furniture and other items that can get damaged by water.  Oh well! We are determined to get it done and be settled by next week.

I was really hoping to have something a bit more exciting for my 100th post, but it looks like this will be all the excitement from me today.  

I hope everyone has a wonderful Thursday!

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