So you're at the gym, working your booty off, when all of a sudden it hits you. You're thinking, "Oh no! Not now! Why is this happening to me?" You do everything you can to avoid it, and try pretending like it is not there, but inevitably, it will happen. You will do that last crunch or one last squat and there will be nothing you can do because...
You have gas.
I do not know about you, but I have often found myself dreading the inevitable at the gym and last night was just one of those nights. Luckily, my workout buddy, Janna, got a pretty good laugh out of it and it made our workout just a tiny bit more "enjoyable".
Last night's boot camp was dedicated almost completely to core work and I am feeling it today. I have to say, however, that I have already seen the benefit of boot camp. While I am very sore, I have also been sleeping really well and making it through the entire night. Oftentimes I find myself waking up a few times and that did not happen last night.
Yesterday while catching up on the blogs I typically read I came across this:
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Susannah Conway |
It seemed like a pretty neat idea to do and honestly, it really has help me focus on the coming year. What I really liked is the fact that she has you focus on all of the things that happened in the past year and helps you be prepared for the next one by reminding you of the good and the bad in the past.
I think my favorite part of this exercise is picking your word for the year. This is a word that you live your entire year by and you use this word to help guide you as you go through your daily life. I picked the word:
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Thank you Tina! |
This word has struck a cord with me because I often find myself dwelling on the negative things when I should be focusing on the happy and positive. I need to find joy in the small things and I will learn to appreciate everything.
So what will your word be?
I've seen all kinds of different choices and will be interested in seeing what everyone comes up with.
P.S. I'm baking a cake tomorrow so I should have a new recipe up and running this weekend!
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