Bone Scan Adventure

Hello Monday! Boy did you ever creep up on me! I trust that everyone had an excellent weekend and was able to have some fun.

Last week was rather stressful for me because of all of the stuff we had going on on top of the impending Bone Scan that I needed to have done last Thursday.  Everyone told me that the scan would not be all that bad, but being who I am, I stressed myself out 1000x more than was necessary.  

Thursday morning, Justin and I actually were able to sleep in a bit because the test did not start until 8:30 am.  It was nice to sleep in until 7:30 instead of getting in the car and heading to work.  For the first half of the test, I had to go in to get the tracer injected into my arm.  I have to say, of everything, this was the most scary for me.  I REALLY do not do well with needles, but with Justin by my side, it flew quickly by. 

It takes a few hours for the tracer to get fully into the bones, so we went home and relaxed until 11:00 when we needed to head back.  Unfortunately, Justin got caught in a meeting so he was unable to take me back for the second part of the test; however, Danielle was available and was able to take me back.  Thank God too! She grabbed quite a few pictures.

For the second part of the test, I had to lay on what felt like a diving board and sit perfectly still while the "camera" moved from my head to my toes taking hundreds of pictures of the bones inside of my body.  I have to say, sitting still was more difficult than I thought it would be, but not as terrible as I thought I would be.  Plus, once the camera got passed a certain part of my body, I was allowed to move that part.  I guess it's a good thing they start at the head, otherwise it would have been scary quite in there.

Don't I just have the prettiest bones? It was weird to see them appear on the screen.  From what the technician could tell, everything looks pretty good, but the scan will have to be observed a bit more closely.

So what are the results you ask? I do not know yet.  All I know is that it is a good thing I have not heard anything yet.  This means that they were not able to find anything of great concern in the initial viewing of the bone scan.  I'm glad to hear that! 

I will make sure to keep you posted once I hear more!

Question of the Day:
What is the scariest test you've had done at the doctor?

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