Would You Rather?

Happy Thursday Friends!

The winner has been chosen for the Purex PowerShot Giveaway! The winner has been contacted via email so they can receive their prize.  I am excited to report that I also have two extra coupons to giveaway and the two people with the highest  number of entries will be receiving emails for their coupons as well! Congratulations to Hillary D. and David Lintz! Be looking for an email shortly!

Today I thought it could be fun to do a little "Would You Rather" Survey that I came across on Quibblo.  I always love playing the "would you rather" game with my friends because it is always very amusing to see how everyone responds to the questions.

Would You Rather:

1. Would you rather...
        Chew Like a Cow
        Laugh Like a Goat 

2. Would you rather...
        Have a diet heavy on grease
        A diet too heavy on sugar

3. Would you rather...
        Be trapped in a cave full of bat vampires
        Put a jar full of bees (opened) in your pants

4. Would you rather...
        Wear 5 hats all the time
        Always wear a big fluffy rabbit's tail

5. Would you rather...
        Have your house hit once every 6 months with graffiti vandals
        Have your house hit once every two weeks with toilet paper vandals

6. Would you rather...
        Have X-Ray Vision
        Have the power to read minds

7. Would you rather...
        Wear the same outfit of your least favorite color every day for 1 year
        Knock on your crush's door asking for toilet paper

8. Would you rather...
        Wear the same pair of unwashed socks for 2 years
        Wear the same pair of unwashed underwear for 1 year

9. Would you rather...
        Have eyebrows that make a complete circle around your eyes
        Have flat eyelashes that stick out 12 inches and can't be trimmed

10. Would you rather...
        Get on the really good side of Bill Gates
        Or your favorite actor/actress

Question of the Day:
What is your favorite Would You Rather Question?

I'd love to hear from you!

1 comment

  1. These are so hard! Some of them! I don;t always like would you rathers because they are SO hard!


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